Eliana's Blog

  • Baptism Day

    Submitted by Eliana on Sat, 03/29/2008 - 10:58pm

    What an exciting day I had! I did not want to go to sleep because I was afraid I might miss some more excitement - even though I was totally exhausted. This evening I was baptised. Afterward we had a party at our house to celebrate. Lots of people who love me came to pass me around and ooh and aah over me. All of my grandparents were there - that's a total of 5 sets - and even one great grandma. A couple uncles and aunts made it, but not my godparents. Adam and Leah were only here in spirit. My birth parents, Matt and Dani, were happy to do their parts for them at the baptism. Father Ron was the one who actually dunked me in the water (and he was the priest at Matt's elementary school). I was the loudest crier of the three babies who were baptised, but I'm also betting that I'm the smiliest, it's just a little more difficult to judge. I was smiling up at Mommy a lot during the beginning of mass. Then after the baptism I got dressed in the beautiful baptismal gown from Dani's family and snuggled with Daddy for a little nap. It was just what I needed to be perky for a picture with Father Ron. Then we went home and had a big party with everyone, even Father Ron. It was really loud in our house. No one had a problem finding enough to say. My Grandma Lanz even found out that she knew Matt's mom from some volunteer work they do together! After everyone ate their dinner and had Dairy Queen cake, we opened presents. Some people seem to think I'm going to be spoiled. I've certainly gotten lots of presents in my short life. I wouldn't want to seem too materialistic, so I won't list all the gifts, but I do have to mention the blanket that my godfather knitted for me! He put a lot of love into it, I can tell! When all the presents were opened and people went home, it was time for bed. I had a tough time falling asleep after such a big day. I'll probably break another sleep record tonight!

  • So proud!

    Submitted by Eliana on Mon, 03/24/2008 - 11:44am

    Today I was playing in my baby gym and when I reached for the toy parrot, I got him! I was so proud of myself! That's a big step for me. Now my hands aren't just for stuffing in my mouth, they're for playing, too!

    I look really cute in the pictures because I'm wearing one of the headbands that I got from the easter bunny, so it shows off my adorable-ness. The Easter bunny also gave me some shoes that are still way too big. They look like clown shoes. I'll have to grow into them. And I got a book about counting my blessings - it even talks about grandma's quilts and grandpa's woodworking, just like my Grandma Barb and Grandpa Ron! There were some pretty, pink nuks in my basket that don't get as fuzzy as my other ones. Yum! William found my basket under the coffee table and brought it to me. What a great big brother!

  • It's spring!

    Submitted by Eliana on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 11:08pm

    It's spring now, although you wouldn't know it by all the snow that's been falling here! But I haven't been outside the house for a few days now, so I guess I shouldn't talk about the weather. The last time I was outside it was nice out! For the last few days, we've been home for Easter vacation. We've been baking and getting ready for the holiday.

    I've been spending a lot more time awake these days. Mommy has a hard time keeping up with me because I like a lot of attention. My favorite thing is to talk to people. Mommy sat me up and took lots of pictures** of me talking and smiling. But when my parents are busy, I don't mind riding along in the Baby Bjorn and watching what is going on. Today I drifted off to sleep while watching Mommy mix up some banana bread. That's fine as long as they don't try to put my under my mobile or in front of a Baby Einstein movie. Then I know that no one is going to talk to me and I get crabby!

    This evening, Auntie Dawn and her family came over for a PPP night (pizza, pop and poker). Auntie Dawn had a lot of fun talking and laughing with me for the first time. I was awake for most of the time they were here, wanting to get in on all the action. I got a little fussy and overtired. That's not like me because I'm usually just a happy baby as long as I get to lay down in my quiet bed and sleep when I'm tired. I'm sure I'll have a nice long sleep tonight, but probably not another 10-hour stretch like after the baby shower - just a more usual 8 hours.

    ** This is my Mommy's favorite picture of me. It reminds her of how I always beat my brother at a good round of "baby boxing." You can see us in the March album going at it in the baby gym. You can also see me cramming my fist in my mouth, which is something I do just to worry my mother that I'll start prefer it over the nuk.

  • 2-month doctor visit

    Submitted by Eliana on Mon, 03/17/2008 - 11:26am

    Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Even though I'm not biologically Irish, with a last name like McKeever, I've got to celebrate! Unfortunately I got poop on my green clothes this morning, so I'm back to purple butterflies already.

    My other big excitement today was visiting the doctor. I was a pretty happy baby with no idea what was in store for me. When the nurse weighed and measured me I was 10 lbs 5 oz (25%) and 22 3/4 inches (53%). Mommy was surprised how tall I was, but then remembered how many outfits I've gotten too long for in the last few days. My doctor was happy with how I've grown. I have a little head, only at the 5th percentile, but it's not a concern. What is concerning is all the shots I had to get! Now there's an oral rotavirus immunization, too! I'm pretty smart, though. I figured out how to spit it out - blech. The nurse promised that it would still work. Then she proceeded to give me five pokes in the legs. Two were double pokes with another nurse, but that's still one more time getting poked than my brother had at my age. I'm already getting a raw deal by being the little sister. After Mommy picked me up and snuggled me, I was happy again. I even smiled and cooed while she dressed me. And I like the leg bicycle game. So the doctor wasn't all bad, just the shots.

  • Baby Shower

    Submitted by Eliana on Sat, 03/15/2008 - 11:22pm

    Today was my baby shower. I was showered with attention from Mommy's aunts, cousins and friends. I got lots of gifts - adorable outfits including pretty dresses, short shorts, and even a little swimming suit. We also got a Red Flyer wagon from a bunch of the Weber aunts (Mary, Kat, Pam, Judy, Cindy, and Maggie), Hallie, and Great-grandma Weber. The seats even fold down to make a flat bottom, so William and I will be having lots of fun in that for years to come! Thanks to everyone who came to help celebrate ME! And thanks especially to Mary and Hallie who planned everything and Grandma Lanz who let us use her house. I had lots of fun and got really tired out from all that visiting!

  • Two months old today

    Submitted by Eliana on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 12:01am

    Today was a big day. I turned two months old! There's not a lot of fanfare for a two month birthday, so I'm not sure what to tell you. My morning was pretty crabby because I was being dragged around to school and to the store when all I wanted was to be in my bed sleeping. So guess how I spent my afternoon... sleeping! And then my night? Sleeping. I must be really growing this week. I've started going seven hour stretches at night between feedings and sleeping for six of those.

    I did spend some awake time today with Daddy. He played with me in the morning when I woke up and then at night while Mommy went scrapbooking again. Yesterday I was awake and visiting with Grandma Lanz and the kids while Mommy caught up on William's scrapbook. Tonight she was starting on my book! Yay! I know I will like to look at it when I'm a little bigger.

    I hear that I'm supposed to visit the doctor for my two month birthday, but Mommy was having some issues with scheduling my appointment - something about the online appointment scheduler. So I didn't get an appointment until March 17th. That's okay by me. I'm not in any hurry to get those shots anyway! The only thing Mommy's curious about is how accurate our scale is because it says I weigh 10 1/2 pounds. But based on how much I'm eating and sleeping lately, I'm sure I'll be even heavier in ten more days. We'll see!

  • Smiles and coos

    Submitted by Eliana on Sun, 02/24/2008 - 9:30pm

    I'm now returning the love that everyone gives me with smiles and coos throughout the day. It took a lot of practice to figure out how to make those sounds, but I finally got the hang of it. It's lots of fun talking to people and making them smile and laugh. I even giggled for Mommy a couple times this morning. As soon as they manage to capture a smile on camera, my parents promise to post one!

    I am crying more these days, but it's still a small amount for a baby my age. Once place I cry a lot is in the car seat. My parents were glad that, on our last car drive, I slept most of the way. And then they were happy that they'd brought a bottle to keep my content for another good stretch. Because if I'm awake, the carseat is the last place I want to be. William thinks it's funny that I have to sit there facing nothing but the back of the seat, but I see nothing funny about it!

    ** Editor's note: I'm thrilled that Diablo Cody just won the Oscar! Juno is pure genius! Go see it!

  • One long weekend

    Submitted by Eliana on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 4:08pm

    I got to experience my first trivia weekend only one month after my birthday! It was pretty exciting. Everyone was amazed that I barely made a peep all weekend. I saved all my crankiness until we got home. But really, I'm quite a happy baby. As long as someone is holding me, I'm happy. And there were lots of people there waiting for a turn to snuggle me. I even got to play a little trivia while Mommy was wearing me in the Baby Bjorn. But it was so warm and cozy in there, that I mostly just slept. I would sometimes get startled when everyone would cheer real loud. It was an exciting time with lots of new sights, smells and sounds to keep me entertained!

    As for what's new with me, my baby acne is clearing up! I'm also talking a little, especially to William. I really like to smile and coo for my big brother! It helps that I'm staying awake more these days.

  • 4 weeks old

    Submitted by Eliana on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 11:09pm

    Can you believe it's been 4 weeks since my birthday? So much has happened in that time! I'm really smiling these days - for Mommy, Daddy, and William. And I can definitely recognize people I know. Today Daddy came home from work and with all the voices in the room (we had visitors), I turned to look for him. I'm also tracking objects even better now. When I watched Mommy walk past me today I followed her with my eyes and I even turned my head! I get stronger and more coordinated every day.

    I met even more people in the past week. Mommy's cousin Hallie visited one night. Then we went to meet the aunts at Great-grandma's house; I got passed around during Maggie and Marty's birthday celebration. I was a very good sport about it! Today Uncle John stopped by. He was in MN to go ice fishing. Auntie Leah made sure he came to meet me and took lots of pictures! Too bad I've broken out with baby acne in the past week. I'm not my cutest self right now. But I was wide eyed for lots of the pictures, so that will have to make up for the splotchy skin.

    Well, I'd better let Mommy get to bed because she's having to get up with me a lot these days. It seems that some nights I sleep really well and go five hours between feedings. Other nights I get up in the middle of the night and decide it's time to be awake. I never know what kind of a mood I'll be in. Maybe I'll let her sleep tonight... maybe not.

  • 3 weeks old

    Submitted by Eliana on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 9:09pm

    I'm sure growing fast! I'm already three weeks old today! Mommy thinks she saw some real smiles today! My eyes were actually open, but I was a bit drowsy... let's just say that I knew what I was doing. According to our scale at home, I've passed up the 8 pound mark. Grandma Barb noticed a bit of a double chin today. So there's no doubt that I'm eating well.

    I continue to meet more people who love me. My Uncle Tom and Auntie Dawn both came to visit. William has shown me off at his school a few times now. And I got to go to play group. Mommy's book club passed me around and had a little party for me. My big brother really liked the "Welcome Eliana" cake and the book I got that says "I love you when you're bad." Mommy loved the snuggly blanket and cute clothes. I'm a pretty lucky baby!

    Tonight we went out to dinner - our first time as a family. I slept the whole time. Mommy and Daddy don't think they would have taken William out to dinner when he was my age. But they don't worry that I'll get fussy during dinner because I'm such a content baby.