One long weekend

Submitted by Eliana on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 4:08pm

I got to experience my first trivia weekend only one month after my birthday! It was pretty exciting. Everyone was amazed that I barely made a peep all weekend. I saved all my crankiness until we got home. But really, I'm quite a happy baby. As long as someone is holding me, I'm happy. And there were lots of people there waiting for a turn to snuggle me. I even got to play a little trivia while Mommy was wearing me in the Baby Bjorn. But it was so warm and cozy in there, that I mostly just slept. I would sometimes get startled when everyone would cheer real loud. It was an exciting time with lots of new sights, smells and sounds to keep me entertained!

As for what's new with me, my baby acne is clearing up! I'm also talking a little, especially to William. I really like to smile and coo for my big brother! It helps that I'm staying awake more these days.