A collection of shorts

Submitted by Sara on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 1:31pm

I often post funny things the kids do in my status updates on Facebook. For those who don't have Facebook, or if you want to indulge in a recap as I do, here are the past six weeks worth of kid related posts starting with the most recent:

3/29 - While I was making lunch, a hungry Eliana was looking through the cupboards to find "big yummy." But everything she was finding was "eew yucky." She finally settled on a raw potato and two cans of kidney beans. (Mini pizzas are in the oven.)

3/26 - I still can't get over hearing our two-year-old say "yours." What a sweet sound! :)

3/20 - The fire alarm went off during swimming lessons today. A wet Darren and William had to stand outside in the cold - Brrr! At least it didn't happen during Ellie's lesson with the 6-month-olds!

3/18 - We had a fun playdate with Katie and Michelle this morning! I realized it was Ellie's first playdate. And both moms forgot their cameras. We have so much in common!

3/17 - I'm always disappointed at this time of year that I'm only 1/8 Irish, but my son is 3/16ths!

3/12 - I'm watching the babies while my kids go to work. They're spies. It's another fun Friday night as a parent, or should I say, grandparent :)

3/11 - I'm writing the number googol, I draw the line at googolplex!

3/8 - I am listening to Eliana banging on the bathroom door saying "Baf!" and "'iana!" It's William's turn in the tub tonight. He tried to put it off another night, but we weren't falling for that AGAIN :)

2/21 - We have a future nurse on our hands. She brought her ailing big brother a pillow, a blanket, a stuffed animal, and a Transformer book then proceeded to "read" to him by laughing loudly at the robots battling on the pages.

2/20 - Oh, the good versus evil that rages inside a two-year-old. She can go from taking the dog's bone, looking the dog straight in the eye and saying "Mine!" to picking up 150 rubber bands all by herself to ripping a two page spread in a library book, within minutes.

2/15 - I just got beat in Uncle Wiggly. Tromped would be more accurate.

That puts us back as far as trivia weekend when all of my status updates for weeks were about getting ready for the contest. The Uncle Wiggly game was one of the 3rd place prizes and luckily we were the only ones with a child the right age to play it.