Happy Birthday to me!

Submitted by Eliana on Thu, 01/07/2010 - 2:18pm

"Happy Yo Yo!" Today I am two years old! Mommy and I had a fun morning playing at Toys R Us. I helped pick out my birthday gifts - a diaper bag for my babies and a Dora book about sharing (is Mommy trying to tell me something?) But the best thing I got was a [free] balloon! I love balloons! I can spy them anywhere. My balloon and I also got to ride the horsey before we left Toys R Us - "Yeehaw!" Then I spent the whole drive across town saying "balloo, balloo, balloo, balloo, Happy Yo Yo..." Our next stop was McDonald's, or as I like to call it, "E-I-O." I was hungry and telling Mommy, "eat." After I ate my cheeseburger and fries, I got to play. I climbed up the climber a little ways, but it was a too intimidating without my big brother. Mommy came and showed me the way out. Instead I stayed in the toddler play area where they have balls to throw, a tunnel to crawl through, and a little slide, which was my favorite part. I didn't want to leave, not even to go see my "balloo." But I was happy to see it when we got to the car. And I loved my Dora book that we read before my nap. After all that fun, I was tired and ready for a rest!