Fun stories from my day

Submitted by Eliana on Fri, 07/24/2009 - 10:33pm

I thought I'd share a few cute stories about my day.

You may know that I have a thing about shoes. But you may NOT know that I not only enjoy having my shoes on, but I also enjoy taking them off. Mommy has finally started putting me in my car seat without shoes, since she and William are otherwise chasing around the van for them after I've tossed them. Well, today I woke up especially early from my nap just so I could go school shopping with William and Mommy at Target. And somewhere between the cracker aisle and the school supply aisle I started repeating "oooo gah," "oooo gah." Finally William interpreted for me, "Her shoe's gone!" Mommy immediately looked back the way we came. But my brother, in all his wisdom, looked underneath the cart and there it was, sitting in the rack. Maybe next time Mommy will understand what I'm saying when I say "ooo gah!"

When we returned home, Mommy and William labeled all his school supplies. I really, really wanted to use those new markers! But I got old ones instead. And some paper - I do TRY to stay on the paper. And I got out the stickers because I LOVE stickers! Here's my finished artwork:

Artwork by Eliana, age 18 months

Another fun pastime of mine is washing. At dinner tonight I stole Mommy's napkin and used it to wash my face, blow my nose, and then wipe off my tray. I'm so helpful!

Intently washing

After dinner we played outside. Belle got a new gentle leader, so she went for a whole entire walk with us! When we got back, I wanted a turn to wear the leash. William and I like to have it clipped it to our shirt collar while someone "walks" us, so we can show how well we can heel too.

Then it was time for pajamas. William suggested a race to see who could put their pajamas on more quickly. Usually he beats me at this event. But tonight he had some trouble with a pant leg that was inside out and before you know it, I won! I clapped for myself when I won, but William cried. I tried patting him very nice, but that didn't make him happy. So I went and found my special blankie to make him feel better. He didn't want it, but he was very thankful for the offer. He said he had his own blanket. But really, it's not as special as mine.

Loving the blankie and nuk

I love my blankie. And my nuk. I've had them out of my bed more often lately because Mommy feels sorry for me with my eye teeth coming in. One of them has poked through now, so hopefully the rest will follow soon and this teething pain will be over. But those are my best cute stories from today. I hope you enjoyed them!