The Five Little Mumans*

Submitted by William on Sat, 11/28/2009 - 11:41am

We were having fun at Grandma Barb's house. Who was there is Tiernan, Caedmon, Brayan, Ariella, Auntie Dawn and Nathan. We played outside first. We played football outside and a war outside. Then we had a fight outside. Hi-ya! Then we went by the river and throwed sticks and pinecones, plinks** and rocks in the river. Tiernan went out with me, Dad, Grandpa Ron and Nathan to the river. Then we had to come in before it was dinner time. Dinner was a big hit! We jumped on the bed in the closet [Leah's old bedroom]. We took our shirts off because we were monkeys. We were humans, really. You'll see the video of us jumping on the bed after this blog.

The end. That's a true story.

*NOTE: Mumans are monkey-humans
**NOTE: Plinks are little tiny rocks that say "plink" when they land in the water