Spring is in the air

Submitted by Eliana on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 10:36pm

This afternoon was lots of fun! I got up early from my nap so I was able to go outside and play with William. It was nice that the weather was really warm. The snow was sloppy and sticky - great for building a snow dog and a snow kitty to go with the snowman William and Mommy made yesterday. I mostly crawled around in the snow, crying for help whenever I would crawl out of my boot or lose a mitten. It was fun to watch Belle dig for her tennis ball. And Mom only had to tell William a couple times not to throw snowballs so close to me. We went for a sled ride around the house. We had to choose our path carefully to make sure we stayed on the snow. There are a few spots in our yard where there is only grass and no snow. But for the most part, there was still plenty of snow for playing. Mom says that only in Minnesota would a snowman be a sign of spring, but the snow is finally sticky enough after months of cold! Now we can watch him quickly melt!

I was proud of myself tonight. I finally said, "up!" Mama's been trying to teach me to say "up" instead of crying and hanging on her legs. And I did it! She and Daddy are looking forward to the new dishwasher that is coming next week. We've been without one for a while now and I tend to get whiny and clingy whenever it's time to do the dishes. Come to think of it, I'm looking forward to the new dishwasher, too!